Energy Healing

Auric Field Regeneration is a way of recalibrating our entire energy system, bringing it back into balance and making it coherent, thus restoring us to optimal health.
— Hands of Light Academy —

I am trained in Energy Healing by the St Raphael School, specifically Auric Field Regeneration: a hands-on healing method of clearing, charging and repairing the Human Energy Field (Aura), as pioneered by Barbara Anne Brennan and described in her books 'Hands of Light' and 'Light Emerging'.

The Hands of Light healing methods come from the knowledge that we are all made of energy, and the understanding of the relationship between the health of our energetic field and our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. We often only notice when symptoms arrive in the mental or physical form, but they will be reflected in the energetic system; imbalances and blocks to the natural flow of Life Force energy will then manifest in our physical reality. These are often caused by past experiences of trauma, or intense emotions which were not able to be expressed, even ancestral wounds, from this life, or a previous life.

During a healing session I will hold space for whatever is going on in your life that you bring to the healing, to best support you to become empowered and step into your fullest potential. Energy healing is suitable for everyone regardless of age, and complements any belief system or conventional/alternative healing modality. It is a beautiful way to deepen any path of spirituality or self-inquiry.

You may find yourself facing difficulty in some area of your life. This could be a vague sense of unease, being in dysfunctional relationships, physical or mental illness, or just feeling a longing for something, which has not been met. These are all an indication that your energy system is out of balance or blocked, and are the best starting places for transformation.

In this work it is understood that all that happens to us in life happens for a reason: as an opportunity for some part of ourselves to be seen, acknowledged and to grow. We all have built up multiple patterns of defence within ourselves from our individual life experiences, which result in particular behaviours, thinking patterns, and blocks in the energy field. These may have served us at one time, but ultimately these beliefs can limit our sense of self, and our ability to allow our creative self-expression and life force energy to flow and manifest in our lives.

By working with the energy field directly, it can address the root cause and allow us to recognise that within ourselves which we did not know before. It can support us to access deeply held emotions and beliefs, so that we may become more self-aware and begin to transform and challenge all that limits us.

I will almost always recommend for those of you feeling called to this work, to also start a course of talking therapy. This will really help you to process whatever experience it is that is unfolding in your life, and complements the hands-on energy work very well, as things may be brought up into your conscious awareness to be processed. I strongly recommend this particularly for those who come to this work looking to heal past trauma, or struggling with anxiety, depression, other mental illness, addiction, or chronic physical illness. Please click here to read more about this and the healing journey, and for therapist recommendations.

Energy Healing can support you with:

  • with stress management, anxiety, addictions

  • create healthy and fulfilling relationships

  • clear physical, emotional and mental blocks

  • heal childhood trauma (inner child)

  • break negative thought patterns and behaviours

  • connect to and feel safe in your body (grounding)

  • have more energy, recover faster from surgery & trauma

  • gain greater self-awareness

  • increase creativity + come into alignment with your soul’s highest and fullest potential

  • deepen your spiritual path, connection to something ‘more’

  • remember and heal past life experiences

What to expect during a session

After a consultation, you will lie down comfortably on the treatment table, covered with a blanket. I will place my hands on parts of your body, working up your chakras (energy centres), channelling clean, clear energy into the field and using various techniques according to what I sense is needed. I may also use hypnotherapy to engage you more deeply in the healing process. Common experiences include seeing colours, feeling heat or sensations moving through the body, feeling emotions arise, or possibly remembering memories or events from your past.

Energy Healing Session: between 1 - 1.5 hours £55

2 hour energy healing + sound healing £90

I can also bring energy work into my bodywork sessions, such as:

2 hour bodywork session inc. full energy healing. £105

2.5 hour bodywork (full body) session inc. full energy healing £105

Deep dive healing session: 3 hour inc. bodywork, energy and sound healing £145

I am more than happy to offer concession prices, as I want to make the work accessible to everyone. Please get in touch and we can work something out to suit you.

If you book 3 session together in a block booking, I can also a £15 discount (£5 per session).