Arvigo Abdominal Massage

Arvigo Abdominal Massage is a specialist treatment from the ancient Mayan lineage. I am one of only 2 therapists in Wales who offer this.

It is a powerful treatment performed on the front of the abdomen and on the lower back, sacrum and gluteal area. It can help the healing journey for a range of issues, as a significant factor of many reproductive and digestive complaints, as well as abdominal, lower back or pelvic pain, is a congested pelvis/abdomen. Abdominal therapy supports the body’s natural healing capacity, looking to encourage flow through the cardinal systems of the body: nerves, arteries and veins, lymphatics, and energy. Working with obstructions and blockages in the physical tissues allows fluids and energy to flow, revitalise, nourish and repair our organs and muscles.

Or abdomen is also often a place where we hold a lot of emotions, as it is where we ‘digest’ - our food, but also everything that we meet through our lives. Working directly with this area can be very powerful to release emotional blockages and stagnation, as well as stimulating our gut-brain connection through the vagus verve. This relaxes and bring us out of a state of ‘fight or flight’ and into the parasympathetic nervous system, allowing us to feel innately safe, so that our system feels safe to digest, literally and metaphorically.

It is a truly empowering therapy as in the first session, as well as receiving a full, deeply relaxing hands-on treatment from myself, we will spend time talking in depth about your health story. I will educate you with anatomy, give you relevant guidance, and teach you a self-care abdominal massage: a potent tool in your healing kit. This provides you with the information to take your healing into your own hands, and to come into a deeper, more embodied relationship with yourself.

For women too, the womb is a hugely important part of our bodies, and many of us experience issues with the menstrual cycle, menopause, abnormal pain during menstruation (no one tells us that a healthy bleed isn’t supposed to be painful!), PMS, endometriosis, PCOS, fertility issues…the list goes on. This therapy is a really powerful hands-on way to start to heal the womb space, and bring you into a deeper connection with the rhythm and cycles of the female body. To listen to the profound wisdom of your body, and your womb. All of these issues are simply stuck energy, which is signalling to you that something is out of balance, and is wanting space to be heard, acknowledged, and processed. In the consultation we will go in depth into the female cycle, how to live more in tune with your innate rhythm, and support your womb space to heal.

For more information, please see the Abdominal Therapy Collective website:

Abdominal Therapy can support the following:

  • digestive issues, IBS, Crohn’s, GERD

  • anxiety, problems ‘centering’, chronic fatigue

  • painful periods and menstrual issues

  • support through menopause

  • endometriosis, fibroids, womb scarring, PCOS

  • urinary issues

  • fertility and reproductive issues

  • pelvic and prostate problems

  • chronic lower back and sacral pain

  • post operation scarring

First time treatment, 2 hours including consultation, education and teaching of self-care massage:


Follow up treatment, 1 hour:


3 treatments block booking (Save £15)

First session £100 + 2 follow ups £55 each:



3 x £55 follow ups:


I am also more than happy to offer concession prices, as I want to make the work accessible to everyone. Please get in touch and we can work something out to suit you.